
Committee on the Environment

The AIASV Committee on the Environment (COTE) leads the charge in regenerative design for a sustainable built environment. Our commitment includes advocacy for sustainable practices, promoting design excellence, and minimizing environmental impacts. Through workshops and educational initiatives, we contribute to a collective effort for a carbon-free future, shaping a built environment that stands as a testament to our commitment to a more sustainable and resilient world.



Pebel Rodriguez



Title 24, specifically part 6, in the California Building Standards Code sets energy efficiency standards for new and renovated buildings in the state, aiming to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Learn more >

ASHRAE seeks to advance heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems design and construction. Learn more >

Southface offers training on building performance, health and safety, energy and water, green infrastructure and green building certifications. Learn more >

The Zero Tool calculates fossil fuel energy consumption for existing buildings and new building designs. Learn more >

An immediately applicable, high-impact pathway to embodied carbon reductions in the built environment. Learn more >


The 2030 AIA Commitment

Going carbon neutral

The AIA 2030 Commitment is an actionable climate strategy that outlines a set of standards and goals for reaching net zero emissions in the built environment.

The latest climate data tells us that reducing carbon emissions is not enough. To make the biggest impact, we must all commit to net zero emissions by 2030- a path that requires strong, immediate action. Since the built environment creates a staggering 40% of the world’s emissions, architects, engineers, and qwners play a key role.

Get involved

Joining the 2030 Commitment benefits your clients, your firm, and the planet. Learn what to expect when you sign on.

Read the article >

Ready to join 1,000+ firms working toward a carbon-neutral future? Create an account on the 2030 DDx page and sign the commitment letter.

Register your firm >

A Sustainability Action Plan is your firm’s unique strategy for prioritizing and meeting sustainability goals. This guide shows you how.

Review the guide >

Explore tips from LPA Design Studios to help you develop a plan to meet your goals.

Read the article >

In 2020, reporting firms avoided over 34 million metric tons of carbon emissions. See their progress in our latest annual report.

View the 2030 By the Numbers report >



Fourth Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Thu, 3/28 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Thu, 4/5-4/6 2024

Inns­bruck, Aus­tria.
27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House
Con­fer­en­ce Register >>

Sat, 04/20 2024, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Thu, 4/25 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Thu, 5/23 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Thu, 6/27 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Thu, 9/26 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Thu, 10/24 2024, 5:30 pm

BABSC & COTE Monthly Meeting

Related AIAU Courses

Embodied Carbon Series

This series helps AEC professionals understand embodied carbon and immediately apply that knowledge to projects to reduce emissions and get to zero carbon.

AIA+2030 Online Series Certificate Program

This series will inspire architects to meet the 2030 goals through design strategies, efficient technologies and systems, and renewable energy resources.

Zero Energy Buildings

This session on zero energy buildings introduces their foundational terminology , concepts, and strategies. Topics covered include defining zero energy, understanding site energy vs. source energy, the cost of zero energy buildings, setting goals, historically informed architecture, and passive design strategies.

Building Reuse is Climate Action

This session will address methods of analysis and documentation for existing buildings and will present strategies for improving energy performance, accessibility, and inclusion.


Science and Environmental Center

Designed by Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects, the award-winning sustainable design of the Science and Environmental Center creates a net zero carbon learning center to foster social acuity and environmental citizenship in the imaginative young minds of its students.

Contact Us

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