Why join a committee

Whether your passion is in helping emerging professionals and young architects pass their exams, advocating for more sustainable projects in Silicon Valley, or engaging with legislators and city planners, joining a committee would be the way to help with that.

Committees are the foundations from which the chapter positions itself in the field of architecture, whether through discussion, advocacy, policy making and development, or other endeavors. Committees initiate the majority of the chapter’s programs, and are the main avenue for direct involvement with AIA Silicon Valley.

To get involved, please fill out the committee volunteer form or contact our staff for assistance.

Programs Committee

We are looking for new volunteers, please consider joining our Programs Committee for 2025!

The Programs Committee will assist AIASVC Staff with the set-up and clean-up for monthly meetings. Organizes and manages monthly meeting programs with topics and locations based on the interests of a majority of our Chapter members.

Committee on the Environment (COTE)

The Committee on the Environment (COTE) works to advance, disseminate, and advocate to the profession, the building industry, and the public, design practices that integrate built and natural systems and enhance both the design quality and environmental performance of the built environment.

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Women in Architecture (WIA)

The Women in Architecture Committee (WIA) is composed of women architects and allies in the Chapter for the purpose of increasing the incidence and visibility of women in architecture and in related design and construction industries. We exist to bring awareness to the gender disparity that exists in the profession in order to achieve equality. We exist to empower women by fostering growth, building leaders and role models, promoting the success of women architects, serving as a catalyst for equality and fair treatment, bringing about balance in the profession, and by redefining success.

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Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN)

This committee is composed of licensed architects residing or working in Santa Clara County who’s practice focuses primarily on custom residential projects, especially single family homes for the purpose of developing knowledge and information to benefit architects who are engaged in, or who are interested in learning more about, custom residential practice.

Emerging Professionals Committee

The Emerging Professional Committee (EPC) of the American Institute of Architects, Silicon Valley is a group of young design professionals and architects. As one of the most energetic groups within the AIA, the EPC strives to assist the professional development of our members. The next generation of architects are crucial to the future of AIA. This is why we make every effort to create opportunities for learning.

Fellows Committee

Aids in the selection of appropriate Chapter members for advancement to fellowship according to criteria established by AIA.

Design Awards Committee

This is a juried program that is scheduled biennially. Planning, fundraising and volunteers for the design awards are needed.

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Golf Tournament Committee

This one-day tournament has been ongoing since 1987. The committee members handle the fundraising and planning; volunteers are also needed on the day of the tournament.

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Home Tours Committee

This biennial, one-day event connects architects, homeowners, and enthusiasts who are interested in designing beautiful homes in a responsible, sustainable fashion. The committee coordinates the details of the Home Tours and its preceding event, Meet the Architects. Many volunteers are needed on the day of the Home Tours.

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Advocacy Committee

Advocacy is an integral part of our mission – to promote architects and architecture in Santa Clara County through legislative action at the State and local level.

Communications Committee

Organizes, manages and implements the various messages across social media platforms.

Membership Committee

The goal is to promote and maintain membership in the AIA Silicon Valley Chapter. Creates, organizes and manages programs to promote, encourage and recruit members to Chapter committee and activity involvement.

Architectural Intelligence Conference Committee

A biennial one-day conference that examines some of the most pressing challenges facing our industry and offers expert intelligence on how we can elevate our local communities. Committee members plan and coordinate the event and assist with fundraising. The next conference is to be in spring of 2024.

Scholarship Committee

Organizes, manages and oversees the scholarship awards program and related fundraising.