March Chapter Meeting Recap

If you missed the March Chapter Meeting, we want to take a moment to share some of the highlights from this exciting and incredibly interesting dive into alternative career paths in the architectural field.

Led by the Women in Architecture Committee (WIA) with Mani Farhadi, Assoc. AIA as moderator, this panel of women spoke about their diverse and winding career paths that didn’t always follow the traditional route. We heard from Liz Gibbons, AIA, LEED AP and long-time chapter member and her path to politics. Kow Kao born and raised in Taiwan, discussed her non-traditional route transitioning concept drawing to realization to fabrication and installation. Haley Soderlund Macko began as an Architectural Engineering major and found herself on the construction end of the projects as Principal overseeing GCI Construction’s most complex and technical projects, while one of our chapter’s past Board Directors and respected committee leaders, Leticia Soohoo, AIA, LEED AP has experience in a broad base of industry roles from firm architect to complex MEP projects to owner’s rep working in high tech corporate campus environments.

This was a lively conversation and led to much discussion as architects are realizing that the path to architecture has evolved and it’s flush with diverse opportunities if you are open to exploring alternate paths.

Thank you to our chapter meeting host GCI Construction for your support of the program! Thank you to our gracious hosts at Inside Source as they opened their brand-new showroom to us. It’s a vibrant and beautiful space and allowed for a great panel discussion, lively networking and a fantastic evening overall!

We hope to see you at the April Spring Mixer on April 19th at Gensler

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