Hot Issues in Congress

Architects promote safe school design
In the wake of tragic school shootings across the country, AIA has been working overtime on the school safety/design issue, lobbying both the White House, Departments of Education and Homeland Security as well as Capitol Hill regarding the positive impact architects can have on this issue. With the insights of select architects who are experts in how design can be used to mitigate mass shootings, AIA is quickly solidifying architects as experts that must be at the table when lawmakers craft legislation to address this issue.

AIA secures amendment in Disaster Recovery Reform Act
In May, AIA hosted a reception for lawmakers and their staff to promote its’ support of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) and to educate them about how architects are skilled in designing communities to be resilient to climate change and recover quickly from disasters.

AIA’s efforts lead to favorable QBS Amendment
The Institute lobbied members of the US House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to add an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill that clarifies existing rules to ensure that a uniform QBS process is followed for airport procurement projects that utilize Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds. AIA’s federal team’s efforts were a success and the amendment was added before the bill passed the House in April.

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If you would like to receive regular legislative updates and become an advocate for the profession: join the Legislative Action Network. Source: ArchiPAC Investor Monthly Report – June

Remembering David Orozco, Associate AIA
Historical Preservation of Cesar Pelli Building

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