Submission Instructions

If you have not already downloaded and completed the 4 forms below, please do so prior to submitting your project.

  1. PowerPoint Template
  2. Architect’s Release Form
  3. Photographer’s Release Form
  4. Uncompensated Interns Form

View our 2025 Design Awards Submission Guidelines for reference.

If you are submitting multiple projects, each submission requires all 4 completed forms.

*If you are submitting the same project in multiple categories, you will need to pay a separate registration fee for each submission you plan to make.

How to submit for the Special Awards

For the special awards, use the below PowerPoint Template instead of the file listed above.

  1. Special Awards PowerPoint Template 

If you are a member of AIA Silicon Valley please log in before submitting your project.

You may use the Save & Continue Later feature below to email a unique link to yourself and pick up where you left off. (Images and files will not be saved)

Enter the order number you received by email when you registered. If you registered multiple projects to one order, list each project's order number like so: XXXX-1, XXXX-2, etc.
Haven't registered yet? Register Now

Primary Contact

Primary Contact Name(Required)
Communication regarding this project will be sent to this email address.

Firm Information


Separate each person on a new line. Provide contact information (company name, contact name, email address, phone number) of the project team for your entry. Your list might include: Contractor, M/E/P engineers, Sound engineer, any product manufacturers (Windows, Doors, Flooring, etc.), Building material manufacturers, Landscape Architects, Photographers

Project Information

Project Category(Required)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 1.
    If you want to be entered into People's Choice Award. Please submit one image that represents your project best. Only one image can be displayed.
    Photographer Credits
    Photographer Consent(Required)
    By checking this box, you agree that you have been allowed permission by the photographer to use the images submitted for this project. If you have not received consent from the photographer yet, please contact them to get consent prior to submitting this project. Any claims of copyright infringement by the photograph owner will be the responsibility of the person submitting this project. If AIA Silicon Valley is made aware of a copyright claim, images will be removed immediately from this website, and this project will be disqualified from the Design Awards.

    Required Forms

    Please attach the 4 files required for project submission. These forms are available for download in Step 2 above.
    1. Powerpoint Template
    2. Architect's Release Form
    3. Photographer's Release Form
    4. Uncompensated Interns Form
    5. Common App (Optional)
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 1.
        (Acceptable file types: .pdf, .xlsx) Strongly Recommended for the following categories: Architecture, Residential, Urban Design/Master Plan, Interior Architecture, Small Project/Big Impact, Social Responsibility
        This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.