AIA Silicon Valley — 2024 Member Survey

The survey is designed to capture your insights on a range of topics, including the benefits and services we offer, opportunities for improvement, and new initiatives that could further support your professional journey. Your honest and thoughtful responses will play a vital role in shaping our areas of focus and the programs/resources we offer in the coming year and will aid us in shaping how AIASVC collaborates to be the link to connecting the built community in Santa Clara County. *Please complete by Friday, September 13th.

Completed surveys will be entered into a drawing on September 16th to win your choice of one ai.24 all day conference tickets (value of up to $180) on October 9th, 2024 or a $100 Amazon gift card!


About You:

What category of AIA Silicon Valley membership do you belong to?(Required)
How many years of professional experience in architecture (or your allied profession) do you have?(Required)
What size firm do you work at currently?(Required)
My work is primarily focused in the following sectors (choose all that apply):(Required)
I look to the AIA for the following resources:(Required)
Which overarching goals should be the guiding areas of focus for AIA Silicon Valley? (choose up to 3)(Required)
Chapter meetings and events work best with my schedule when they are:(Required)
I would like to learn more about how I can contribute to the Chapter's strategic plan through the chapter's committees and get involved in the chapter's programming.(Required)
I would most likely miss a chapter event because:(Required)
I regularly receive and read the AIASVC weekly Chapter announcements and social media posts.(Required)


Educational topics the EDI program should prioritize (can choose more than 1):(Required)
I would be interested in learning more about EDI topics through:(Required)


My involvement in the professional includes:(Required)
In pursuit of my architectural license, I am:(Required)
I have a good resource for mentorship to practice architecture.(Required)
I am interested in the following resources from AIASVC:(Required)


Have you participated in any local or state CRAN committees' conferences and/or events?(Required)
How can the CRAN committee provide more resources on housing design and practice issues?(Required)


I am interested in joining monthly committee meetings to share knowledge on Climate Action and sustainable practices of architecture.(Required)
I am aware of the following Climate Action resources provided by AIA:(Required)
I have completed the required 5 hour Zero Net Carbon Design mandatory continuing education requirements through:(Required)
Have you attended any of these educational events hosted by the AIASVC Chapter?(Required)


What are the most pressing local issues that affect your professional practice and interests?(Required)
Are you interested in speaking with local governments and elected officials about these issues?(Required)

Architectural Intelligence

Have you heard about the Architectural Intelligence Conference (ai.24)?(Required)

Thank you for your submission!