Kids Draw Architecture
October 12, 2024, from 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Join us at the Cupertino Library for Kids Draw Architecture, an afternoon of sketching with Architects! *Attendees should bring their own yoga mat or small blanket to sit on the grass area.
Architects will be present to teach children ages K-12 to draw architecture. Drop by between 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM for a quick drawing lesson from the pros. All drawing materials will be supplied by AIA Silicon Valley + AIA California Council.
Kids Draw Architecture is an educational program created in 1988 by the Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara as a way to both connect architects with children and their parents. And, for children to acquire an appreciation for architecture and the built environment.
Generally, students are divided into small groups led by an architect who guides an exercise on the significance of sketching. AIA Components across California host unique approaches under this general theme. Since 2017, AIA Chapters have hosted over 30 events in their local communities.
Drawing, and art in general, affects how the brain thinks—and sees the world. Sketching allows one to focus and see things previously unnoticed in the built environment. The result is a better appreciation of the various aspects of architecture: functionality, artistry, and the importance of design.
As architects, sketching is a necessary component of the thought process. Drawing, and art in general, is important for many reasons, and affects how the brain thinks—compartmentalizes, and sees the world. Drawing allows one to focus and see things previously unnoticed in the built environment. The result is a better understanding of the various aspects of architecture – functionality, artistry and importance and demonstrates to our youth that sketching is an imperative honed skill, and that architecture is a functional art.